
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Question: Fat pouch in my pubic area?

Fat pouch in my pubic area?

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Okay so I'm not a fat guy by any means, I can see weight lose when I am losing weight on every part of my body EXCEPT the jelly role with a slight ripple in the middle that's above my penis. I find it very annoying and I'm definitely self conscious about it, not because it's hiding some penis but because when I look in the mirror sideways I look fit, yet there's a buldge popping out at my penis, not the good buldge, the oh hey I'm this fat pack that WONT GO AWAY HAHAHAHA. Question is, HOW TO TAKE IT AWAY. Please don't be smart and give me some obvious answer like liposuction, obviously that will. I don't think I should have to have fat sucked out just to lose it.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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