
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Question: I am 5'5 and 105 pounds?

Skinny girls are cuter... Embrace your size and don't change for no one. No you shouldn't gain wait just because your friends say you are too skinny. screw them. they should lose weight because they are too fat. You are beautiful the way you are and never forget that. Don't change yourself for the world because the world wont change itself for you... Be yourself and enjoy life. Live everyday as though you have a invisible tiara on your head because you are a princess and god made you perfect.. If your doctor says your healthy don't listen to what your friends say. friends can be rude. They prob jelous of you. Never change yourself unless it I what you want. and make sure you don't want it because your friends want it make sure its because you truly want it. Plus their is no such thing as too skinny. its just America is unhealthy and chubby as a country so skinny healthy girls stand out. to me they stand out in a good way. good luck and be yourself and love life. Their is only one of you and that is 1 out of 8 billion people in the world are you. Meaning you are more rare than winning the powerball twice in 1 day.... your pretty special...

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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