
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Question: Is this a good workout plan?

I'm 16 and 116 pounds. I want to lose 5-10 pounds in 2 months. I really want to lose weight especially in my arms, because I can never wear tanktops without being self conscious about them. Also I want to lose weight in my stomach and thighs. WORKOUT PLAN:

Every week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

On days of working out:

• run for 5, walk for 5, then run 5 more.

• after running lay on the floor and lift legs together all the way up just using legs. 3 sets of 15.

• after leg lifts, do 2 sets of 10-15 squats. Do not lift weights into air just have then to your side.

•after squats do 20 lunges, switching off

•do 10 star jumps

• after lunges do 30 reps, switching off.

• then hold weights all the way out to your sides and bring them up and down, do 10.

• take a break from arms and do leg lifts upwards for butt while on all fours

• then do 2 sets of 10 jump squats

• go back to arms and do bent over rows

• then take the two weights over your head and lift them up and down, do 20.

• jump on the trampoline with legs up to chest for a song

• then to strengthen core and back do plank for however long you can hold it


For non work out days:

Run for 5 minutes then stretch legs, and arms.

FOOD: no chips, no pop.

Breakfast: yogurt, fruit, bagel

Lunch: sandwich whole grain bread, vegetables, and protein shake

Dinner: just try not to eat anything with carbs!

Are there any tips of what I can do to lose weight or should I change any of my workout plan? Thanks!

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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