Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Question: Question about my weight? I'm utterly confused...and I need answers fast please:)?

Either your scale is wrong or your clothes are. Those people that say "muscle weighs more than fat" are ridiculous. One pound of fat weighs the SAME as one pound of muscle. In order for your clothes to fit differently - that would require you converting fat to muscle - which would reduce the size of your waste. But GAINING 15 pounds of pure muscle would not do that. Besides that you say you do cardio - not weight training.

You should use a different scale for reference - also - you should always weigh naked - no clothes on. If you weighed naked last time and weighed with clothes on next - you'd be heavier. Especially if you left your shoes on.


via Smart Health Shop Forum http://ift.tt/1qOb9kh

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