
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Question: Setting up workout routine for the first time.?

I'm 6 ft 2 and about 145 lbs. I've been very, almost overly skinny my whole life and kind of feel frail. I decided it's time to make a change, get as big as my genes will let me, and have had a hard time finding time to work out. The main problem is I don't know which muscle groups I should work out and which ones, if any, I shouldn't even worry about until later.

All of the workout routines online say what to do by giving exercise names but I don't know what they are and have to keep looking them up.

Anyone know the best route for me?

I kind of want an easy, you-tell-me-eveything-that-I-need-to-do, step-by-step sort of thing to understand. The more specific and strait-foward step-by-step it is, the better. I wish I had a trainer to tell me what to do but that costs so much

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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