Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Question: Why do you think i gained weight eating 1000 cal per day?

If you are trying to lose weight, then limiting your caloric intake to 1000 will just stall your metabolism, which might be why you are experiencing weight gain. Also, you could be retaining water because your body isn't getting what it needs to properly convert those calories into energy instead of just fat. If you are trying to lose weight, the ONLY way you can do it is with eating a proper diet (so, lean meats like chicken breast, vegetables, salads with low-calorie vinaigrettes, fruits) and EXERCISE. I'd recommend 30 minutes of cardio at least 4 times a week, but more like 5-6 to see fast results. Walking is OK exercise, but it won't beat a tough sweat-inducing work out.

By the way, if you keep eating like you are and then go back to eating regular, you will most definitely gain any weight back that you lost AND more. Just follow a healthy diet, keep your calories around 1200-1400 (so only 200-400 more calories), and make sure to exercise regularly.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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