
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Question: 15yr old 6ft 145lbs trying to gain weight/muscle? Tips?

15yr old 6ft 145lbs trying to gain weight/muscle? Tips?

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I'm 15 yrs old and my dad and brother are both 5'11" around 165-170 and I'm only 145. I've been trying to gain muscle for 2 years now and I've made some progress. I use dumbbells and a bench and a hoist v machine for lifting weights. I lift everyday after school for about an hour on a schedule of each day being "chest/triceps to arms and legs to back etc." I've gained about 15lbs since a year ago but I want this process to happen faster. I've been skinny all my life and I hate being that skinny kid. I tried eating a TON everyday and all the fat went only to my stomach, nowhere else. So, the decent sized pecs I've worked so hard for are barely visible because of my bulging belly. I also have a weightlifting class I'm enrolled in school with more powerlifts (Bench, cleans, squat, dumbell use) which I hope will help in size. I have very long lean muscles so it's hard to gain mass. I've been lifting low reps and heavy weighy for size as well. I'm hoping that with natural growth of my body through puberty I will start to look wider and bigger, but is there any trick I need to be doing? Any supplements? I've been desperate I've been obsessing over wanting this perfect body for years now so it's not a phase. Did anyone else have this skinny body type as a kid and has advice? I mostly want a big chest and arms I wouldn't mind having just a flat stomach but no six pack. Ps. I get cardio with basketball all year round.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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