
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Question: 500 calorie or less diet?

Oh no, "starvation mode" is not crap. I have done that kind of a diet for a long time. And when I realised it is time to stop it because I was pretty much fainting everywhere all the time, I slowly started eating normally again, like 1200-1400 calories a day or so, which would actually be how much a person on a normal diet would eat, but there was a problem. I started gaining back weight so quickly that I couldn't even believe it. And everyone noticed. It was such a bad experience, but I guess that there is no point in telling you this, because you will do it anyway. And regarding your question about how much weight it would be possible to lose in a month - it depends on how tall are you and what is your current weight. And by the way, if you still decide to go on this extreme diet, my advice would be - every week, take one day off from this diet and eat something normal. This will help you to stay on the diet as well as help your metabolism to function somewhat normally.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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