
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Question: Do you have one way of losing weight?

Do you have one way of losing weight?

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I remember I was in soccer a couple years ago. My nutrition was okay. I used to have 3 meals a day and maybe a snack here and there. I cut down, soda, chips and all junk food. I was running 6 or 7 miles a day and was getting faster and faster. I lost 30 pounds in a year and maintained for a year. Until, I started drinking beer. Now I have tried many work outs and nothing works. I believe I need to be extremely active to lost weight? Why was I still losing weight and my diet was okay? Why am I not losing weight now and my diet is perfect? I feel liking running fast is really the only way I can lose weight? Do you have one way of losing weight? Is this normal?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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