
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Question: How can I get some muscles and get into shape?

Because you're still growing, I would strongly suggest that you work on losing fat and "toning up" as opposed to trying to "build" a lot of muscle. You already have muscle, it just isn't as "defined" as you would like it to look. Someone with "defined abs" gets that look more from losing abdominal fat than from pumping up their abs. The ab muscles are already there. They're just hidden under fat deposits. For the overall look you're going for, you should focus on bodyweight exercises primarily, and do "some" resistance exercises like dumbbells or kettlebells (whatever you have access to). There are more exercises and different types of equipment than I can possibly list here. If you have access to battling ropes for rope undulations I would do that, or use sandbags, and/or medicine balls as well. I also strongly recommend that you make pushups, sit ups, pullups and/or chinups the "fundamental core" of your exercise routine. When you can move your own bodyweight around, then free-weights are a breeze.

I would also run or jog at least twice a week to melt off some body fat to give your body a streamlined look that complements your toned muscle.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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