
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Question: I'm not overweight, am I?? What's the healthy weight for someone my age?

I'm 14, 5"6 and 140 pounds. I'm very muscular & have a very athletic build. I'm thin, I guess, but is that the normal weight for a 14yr old?

All of the girls on my bus say that they're, like, 105lbs, and I don't get why I would weigh so much more than them, but I don't look fat. Are they lying about their weight?

What's the normal weight for a 14yr old?(Or, the healthy weight, I should say)

Update : Don't worry, I'm not ever going to starve myself, or anything like that. I don't see the point, it would just slow down my metabolism & make it easier for me to gain weight. Just wondering what the healthy weight is, if it depends on the person, or what.

Thanks for any answers I get, I really appreciate it. :P

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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