
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Question: Where to start with yoga?

Start with the book, " Richard Hiddleman's 28-day yoga exersize plan" it cost about $6.00. It has detailed instructions with pictures and can give you a great foundation. It also has a section on meditation. IF you want to begin practicing meditation, try this technique: Breath in deeply for a count of 8 seconds, hold for a count of 8 seconds, breathe out for a count of 8 seconds then repeat (do do not hold between breathing out and breathing in). Focus your attention on the tip of your nostrils, attempt to clear your mind of any thoughts. A thought will cross your mind, but let it pass and refocus your attention on your nostrils. Do this for about 20 minutes. With practice you will feel your breathing get deep and steady, and experience a very deep sense of relaxation. IF clearing your mind is too difficult, you can focus on the number one, and repeat in your mind "one" with each breath. This will often help you clear your mind from distracting thoughts.

An inexpensive and great book on the benefits of meditation, is "The relaxation response" I think the author is Herbert Benson.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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