
Friday, August 1, 2014

Question: Why do I still feel fat?

I lost over 100lbs and I too, still feel fat. I'm not, and people compliment me on my appearance a lot, but I still am shocked when I look in the mirror and go " I don't look huge anymore." Lots of people don't realize the mental impact being overweight has. It's horrible! The anguish, not feeling good enough, relying on food for comfort, being bullied and teased, comparing yourself to others constantly (I'm not sure if this is the same for everyone else, but that's what it was like for me). Now I work out, eat healthy (for the most part) and have a nice figure, but even when I pass a mirror, I don't want to look in it to see my body, so I will turn away. I know it won't look like it did, but some part of me thinks I might look over and see that fat little girl all over again.

Don't worry, it'll get better over time. Just take care of yourself and make sure you're eating correctly and exercising, and knowing that you are consistently working to keep yourself healthy will help eliminate that feeling -- or at least it does for me.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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