
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Question: 15, 6'1, 250 pounds - what equipment should I use at the gym?

''seeing as my weight is pretty much all fat and no muscle '' If your hormonal system is normal and you got half-decent genetic, that's not true. A guy your age and size got more muscle than most people it's just hiding under the fat.

I suggest equipments that target the bigger muscles groups: legs, back, chest, shoulder... Leg press is an obvious one, the more muscle involved the better, especially for a beginner.

That being said you should switch to free weight fast enough and perform things like squat, dead lifts and bench press. I would suggest a 5 reps 5 sets rep scheme sometime switching it up to other things like 4*6 and 3*10...

Diet wise, I hope you eat at least 2,200 calories a day with at least 180g of proteins and at least 80g of dietary fat... ''eating healthy'' doesn't mean anything and most people who claim that don't (too low calories/ too low fat especially)

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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