
Monday, September 29, 2014

Question: Have I eaten badly today? And how do I combat my sugar addiction?

I've had

-Blueberries (about a cup?)

-Flourless chocolate cookie from Starbucks

-Mutigrain waffle with honey and strawberries

-Vegetable stir-fry with tofu and white rice

-Diet coke

-Nature Valley bar

-Three hershey kisses And I had like 5 sips of a light mocha frapp, but that's all because I started to feel sick. And I was thinking of having some fruit and Honey Bunches of Oats cereal with almonds and tiny chocolate pieces.

I'm just trying to lose the like, 3-4 pounds that I've put on lately. I dont want to go crazy and start drinking kale and flax seed smoothies for every meal, but I want to eat fairly healthy.

Also, if you didn't notice, I have an issue with sugar. I rarely eat greasy, fatty food (I never eat fast food or meat besides fish, turkey, and chicken rarely.) but I'm majorly addicted to chocolate and sweets. I don't know how to fix that... I eat a lot of fruit too, but it's not a substitute for other sweets. I don't feel satisfied when I only eat vegetables.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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