Sunday, September 28, 2014

Question: Is there an easier way of shaping up?

Is there an easier way of shaping up?

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I'm 19 and im a college sophomore. I stopped working out like 4 yrs ago. I used to run when I was younger. I could run like 2 hrs on the treadmill nonstop and i won't even break out a drop of sweat or even pant. For the past 2 yrs, ive gained 40 pounds due to depression and food cravings. i also stopped working out. i haven't ran in 3 yrs. During this past yr, i have started eating pizza, french fries, scrambled eggs, hot dogs a lot. Until now, i realized that i have put on 40 lbs and cellulite is all over my body. Literally, its all over my stomach, thighs, butt, calves. I started doing pilates and it hurts so bad. I used to be able to keep up doing it but now, i can't even get through the first 4 minutes. My muscles will start hurting and ill have to stop. I can't even continue on for the rest of the class.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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