
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Question: Small Rib Cage? I look fat?

I have a really tiny ribcage, and everyone calls me skinny and all that jazz, but I don't care what they think, I mean I do, but I'm really hard on myself and want to look skinny for me. So here's the problem, I have a tiny ribcage, and I guess I'm chubby? Last time I weighed myself I was 98 pounds and I've been trying to go on a diet. But.. it's not working because my stomach looks weird. I was wondering how I could go on a diet, without money, because I have to eat school food and my parents would think somethings up. And if not a diet, is there anyway I could make myself look skinny, only for me? thank youuuuu. c:

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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