
Monday, September 29, 2014

Question: What results will this 6 week workout plan get me?

Its a kettlebell routine, note I only have two 30lb and one 35lb kettlebell. Mon/Thursday -Two Hand Swing 1x15 with 35 pounds; rest 30 seconds before moving on to next move

One Hand Swing 1x10 each hand with 35s; rest 30 seconds between each side

One-Arm Clean and Push Press 1x10 each hand with 35s; rest one minute; then do 1x10 with each hand using 45s; rest one minute before moving on to next move

Bottoms-Up Clean 2x5 each hand with 45s; rest 30 seconds between sets

Windmill 2x5 each hand with 35s; rest 30 seconds between sets

Front Squat 3x10 with two 35s ; rest one minute between sets

Hand-to-Hand Swing 1x50 with 45s

Rows w/30lbs 2×12

Plyo Pushup 3x10

Judo Pushup 3×10

Tues/Fri -

Hand-to-Hand Swing 1x30 with 35s

Turkish Get-Up 2x5 each side with 35s; rest one minute between sets

Double Clean 2x10 with 35s, then 2x10 with 45s; rest one minute between sets

Alternating Press 2x10 each side with 35s, then 2x5 each side with 45s; rest one minute between sets

Overhead Squat 3x10 with 35s; rest one minute between sets

Snatch 1x10 each hand with 35s, then 3x10 each hand with 45s, 1x25 each

hand with 35s; rest one minute between sets

One-Leg Deadlift 2x5 each leg with 35s, then 2x5 each leg with 45s; rest one minute between sets

Farmer's Hold 2x60 seconds with 55s; rest one minute between sets

Kettlebell bench 2×12

Pec Flyes 2×10

Parallel Dips 3×10

What can I expect from this kind of workout? To get leaner? Build some muscle? Im about 170lbs and 15% bodyfat

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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