
Monday, September 29, 2014

Question: What sort of aerobic exercises should i be doing and how long to quickly develop muscle and lose weight? (14 years old?)?

What sort of aerobic exercises should i be doing and how long to quickly develop muscle and lose weight? (14 years old?)?

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I'm 14, and honestly, i'm 4' 6''. I get checked all the time for being short, and i am a bit fat for my size, about 90 pounds. Its not how much i weigh, its more of how much belly i have. I want to do a lot of exercises, i now have LOADS of time, because i'm getting bored of my computer and ps3. maybe about 4 hours free time after i finish my school work. All i'm doing right now is 50 pushups, 70 situps, and then some stretches, then go back to doing the same thing. I probably do this for about 30 minutes. But i don't think i'm doing a lot of exercises. What works should i do, and for how long? ( remember, i have A LOT OF TIME! Plus, i really just want to work my body to its limit, to get results as fast as i can.)

Any help is appreciated!

(ps. im thinking about getting weights. Not humongous 50 pound weights. Just those small 10 - 20 pound weights for individual arms. Should i consider that? )

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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