
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Re: New Euro find out about assaults crimson meat

It’s that you can think of that for the reason that cave occasions and the exchange in our weight loss plan to cereals, and so forth, from what we will have to be consuming has in fact led to our digestion to start out failing at with the ability to deal with pink meat. This has came about and is going down an increasing number of – i.e. with the increase in lactose and gluten intolerance. It’s possible that red meat is freaking our guts in many people.

As research improves the facts are becoming clearer about any danger from eating red meat to excess, but we still have years to go to get to the truth of it. A lot seems to do with L-Carnitine, which bacteria in the gut turns into compounds that are directly linked to causing arteriosclerosis leading to heart attacks – but you would need to eat a lot of red meat daily to be in danger.

By far the greatest danger to health is eating salted and processed meat – so cave diets are perfect! Those meats cause toxic substances to be made in the guts that can kill anyone – this is true; please search for the latest research.

About red meat anyway… tribal peoples eat very little red meat, because it isn’t available, so they don’t eat it regularly and when they do it’s usually a small/medium kill divided between their village or extended family. Northern tribes have always prized fat over flesh anyway. I believe this would have been the pattern for cave people and how our guts have evolved i.e. to eat red flesh infrequently – perhaps a chunk of meat every 2-3 weeks. Primitive diets depend mainly on birds, fish and small creatures that are easy to catch/find rather than red meat that we eat in the west. Plus they are a lot to do with what grows in season and what may also be scavenged too.

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