
Monday, September 29, 2014

Struggles of a 20-one thing woman seeking to be skinny within the twenty first century – Again and Fats

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29 September 2014


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Good day peeps, very long time no discuss (or weblog)

Mainly I fell of the bandwagon in excellent model therefore now i am like 130lbs, I am hoping you’re all judging me as I need to be judged at this level, so please judge away! After this morning when I jumped back on the scales I was doing well until evening time when I just wanted my cake and to eat it to, damn nephew having a birthday that involved sweets and not one but two… yes TWO cakes!! So I was feeling pretty shit and started to feel sick from the overeating (well I ate about 900 kcals today) so I panicked and did the only thing I could think of, for the first time ever, I made myself sick. Stuck my fingers down my throat and threw it all back up (what a waste of cake) but I felt like I was back in control of my eating after doing it and in some sort of sick way it has given me confidence to get back on the restricting part of my diet as I know that I can throw stuff up if I need to.

Today out of the way, what have I been up to since we last spoke…. well eating hence the extra 6lbs i’m carrying! apart from that I had a delayed reaction to my fall out with Rob, and have been doing a lot of retail therapy since I started earning a proper wage, so much so that stores are probably giving him commission on the entire gross sales that they’re rounding up! I needed to solidify the breakup with a breakup Celine bag. However folks nonetheless had been commenting on how skinny I seem to be even supposing I won weight!! I am like truly?! I dont really feel skinny, I believe like a heffa! However for a cut up 2d it does make me really feel just right then i will trap a glimpse of myself in a reflective floor and be like ‘wait, i am a fats bitch, why are you complimenting me?!’

That’s just about it, so I’ll maintain you guys extra steadily up to date (I promise) and with a bit of luck this will likely provide me the inducement to get again on the right track!!

Keep Stylish

Beth xoxo

The post Struggles of a 20-one thing woman seeking to be skinny within the twenty first century – Again and Fats appeared first on Smart Health Shop Blog.

via Smart Health Shop Blog

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