Sunday, September 28, 2014

Want lend a hand with eating regimen!

Here’s a bunch of super long threads to read.

Basic Fat Loss Process

1. Calculate your calories and macros

2. Eat about 20% less calories than you burn each day while still meeting minimum protein and fat. Get the remainder of cals from carbs.

3. Buy a kitchen scale and weigh everything that you eat.

4. Count calories using a site like MyFitnessPal. Here’s how to count accurately.

5. Lift heavy weights to preserve muscle mass, on a structured program (see below). Why not your own routine? Read this. Don’t wait, start lifting yesterday!

6. Cardio is optional; do it if you like to increase your calorie deficit. Do it on off days from lifting and don’t let it interfere with recovery.

7. Still not losing weight? Stuck on a plateau? Read this. And remember, you are not special.

Beginner Workout Programs:

All Pro’s Beginner Routine

Stronglifts 5×5

Fierce 5

Starting Strength

Ice Cream Fitness 5X5

How to lift properly

Counting calories accurately requires precision. Read these:

And watch this informative video with terrible music:

Important Stuff To Know

- Weight loss is not linear and predictable. Weigh yourself every daya nd track the average. Ignore short term fluctuations.

- No specific food has a fat loss advantage over any other food. Eat foods you enjoy that deliver adequate macros and micros.

- Cardio is not necessary to lose fat. It’s just a tool to increase your net calorie deficit.

- Muscle loss is not an issue if you get adequate protein and train properly, even on a big deficit (unless perhaps you are already quite lean).

- Don’t train on a bro-split from a magazine. Unless you’ve been training for a year or two, you will probably do better on a full body strength program designed by an expert. You are probably not an expert.

- Keto offers no fat loss advantage over any other caloric deficit, except perhaps for very obese, sedentary folks.

- Eating fat does not make you fat. Low fat diets screw up your body. Adequate dietary fat is crucially important.

- The only bad fat is trans fat. Saturated fat is fine unless you eat stupid amounts of it.

- Protein powder is a processed convenience food and offers no advantage over protein from whole foods. Use it if you like, it’s fine. Remember to count the calories in it.

- Sugar & simple carbs are irrelevant for fat loss as long as you hit your macros within a calorie deficit.

- You cannot, in any way, change where your body chooses to burn fat from. There is no spot reduction.

- Eat 1 meal/day or 10, there is no measurable effect on fat loss.

- Eating carbs before bed is irrelevant within a calorie deficit and adequate macros.

- You do not have metabolic damage unless you’ve been eating starvation level calories for a very long time.

The post Want lend a hand with eating regimen! appeared first on Smart Health Shop Blog.

via Smart Health Shop Blog

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