
Thursday, October 30, 2014

am i the only one who prefers bjs

  • Sex all the way brah.

    But nothing beats a BJ to the wood in the morning. Srs

    Everything gets better with time and time is forever.Life is simple. You make a choice and you dont look back.

    #Faith #hope

    Disregard 95% of sloots crew

    Gets disregarded by remaining 5% crew

  • Finished my cut:

    Manchester, UK.

  • That's like going to a restaurant and only ordering an entrĂ©e

    A young bull and an old bull were standing atop a hill looking at a bunch of heifers in a field below.The young bull says "Let's run down this hill and fuk one of those heifers."

    The old bull replies "No. Let's walk down there, and fuk them all."

  • wood rather get head

    edit: weird, either that isn't the right vid to go with that song or it's not sync'ed

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