
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Query: Is my mother bipolar? assist me please?

is my mother bipolar? lend a hand me please?

So we go thru these bouts with my mom and you can tell when its going to get bed. Like right now she kept me up until 2am screaming about her login for a website then woke me up at 6:30 screaming that I should already be up and cleaning and that I have no right to be tired when she has cancer and chronic fatigue and works thirty hours a week. she’s thrown my clothes on the lawn because she blew up when I said I didn’t want her help cleaning my room. She can flip it on and off like a switch be insane and throw a waterbottle at me then because her friend got there after it happened and I mentioned it and the water bottle slipped. Because I’m crying because I’m sick of dealing with her she jumped from me and my boyfriend breaking up to us fighting then to someone must have nude photos of me and put them on the internet then calls me insane the whole time. She’s gotten worse since she was diagnosed with cancer. Like she blows up because we have “a ton of cleaning to do” and pitches a episode when it was dusting and picking up a few things. She is always instigating fights and whatever I say “makes her cry and I’m a hurtful spiteful person who she didnt raise this way and on and on it goes about how bad I am etc” her and my dad just coexist. Whenever I mention she could be bipolar or manic I’m suddenly the insane mean one whose lashing out because I have a mental problem. I don’t know how to get her to help because I know her mom was bipolar etc and my mom shows signs because she just flips like last week she was nice etc. Its getting to the point where I hate being home at all and try to avoid it but come home because I’m afraid when she’s like this shell trash my room like she’s done before and throw my clothes on the lawn or down the stairs. When she gets like this she throws a fit that I need to be home or text every hour i am not coming home she needs to know who what where when and why if I’m not home. Then when she’s not like this she barely texts me. She lies about memories I have as a child and always tells me I’m making it up. Its bad. She’s one minute saying how important my school work is then the next minute making me smooth and different stuff ahead of homework as a result of it must already be completed so I will be able to do what she desires me to. The whole thing units her off when she’s like this if I say I wish to be quiet and now not discuss there may be right away one thing flawed with me which is now not her. She’s went in a rage and threw my magic playing cards in a field and took it out of doors and threatened to burn them. I am at my wits finish. I haven’t any strategy to transfer out but.

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