
Friday, October 31, 2014

Question: Am I showing symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Okay, this is going to be very disturbing to some of you because the subject of this is poop. I'm wondering if I have IBS.

So, my day usually begins with me waking up early during college days and struggling to poop, but eventually getting something out by eating breakfast. My stools aren't completely solid. They don't come out in large lengths, but in small lengths (4 - 6 cms appx)

I don't feel much discomfort after I poop, even if only it is a semi-satisfactory evacuation. But an hour later, I start having these gas problems all day long, non stop until my next poop.

Here's the thing, my next poop takes place just minutes after I eat something. Then it happens all over again, gas, eat more, poop again. On working days, I poop twice or thrice (don't want to risk going in those horrible bathrooms in college)

I'm 20 years old, 5'7 and only a 110 pounds. I actually want to gain a lot of weight and right now I'm going to the gym, eating clean, but I always get so gassy and have to poop as mentioned. The gas, I release when I find some place private, but it keeps coming back and I have no choice but to hold it in class. It causes me a lot of discomfort but not any pain. I think.

I'm actually planning on going to a GI, but I'd like to know what to expect. Is it IBS or something else? I mean, I can't live with this much discomfort in my life. I need to get it treated ASAP. Even as we speak, I'm really gassy and as a part of my clean diet, I have to have these beans. Sigh.

Update : I'm a guy, btw.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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