Ohio hunters prepare for start of deer-gun season<a class="partner-login-modal-close"/>Subscribe today for full access on your desktop, tablet, and mobile device.
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Ohio hunters prepare for start of deer-gun season
Officials say more than 400,000 hunters expect to take to the field during the upcoming deer-gun season in Ohio.
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AP 9:49 a.m. EST November 29, 2014
Grunge state of Ohio flag map(Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
COLUMBUS State officials say more than 400,000 hunters expect to take to the field during the upcoming deer-gun season in Ohio.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources says hunters checked more than 75,000 deer during last year's season and checked almost 87,000 deer in 2012. Hunting hours for all deer seasons are 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset.
The weeklong hunt begins Monday and runs through Dec. 7. The state says specific straight-walled cartridge rifles are now legal for use, which is new this year.
The statewide bag limit is nine deer from all counties combined. But a hunter cannot exceed an individual county's bag limit.
Hunters must have a valid deer permit and a valid Ohio hunting license.
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Officials say more than 400,000 hunters expect to take to the field during the upcoming deer-gun season in Ohio.
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AP 9:49 a.m. EST November 29, 2014
Grunge state of Ohio flag map(Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
COLUMBUS State officials say more than 400,000 hunters expect to take to the field during the upcoming deer-gun season in Ohio.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources says hunters checked more than 75,000 deer during last year's season and checked almost 87,000 deer in 2012. Hunting hours for all deer seasons are 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset.
The weeklong hunt begins Monday and runs through Dec. 7. The state says specific straight-walled cartridge rifles are now legal for use, which is new this year.
The statewide bag limit is nine deer from all counties combined. But a hunter cannot exceed an individual county's bag limit.
Hunters must have a valid deer permit and a valid Ohio hunting license.
Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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