
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Question: Need to know how to actually lose some weight (fat) in a doable way for 16 year old girl?

I'm 16 and a girl, I weigh 53-54kg and am 157cm tall, BMI 21.9.

I have belly and thigh fat which I sincerely want to get rid of... I see a lot of girls my age with beautiful flat stomachs - so I know it's not just celebs or unrealistic - and I've been wishing I could get one! I know I don't lose or put on weight quickly... in my previous extremely motivated days which would last about a week where I went jogging every day and ate healthily, did squats, sit ups and other tummy exercises too, I didn't notice any difference on the scales or on my tummy which demotivated me too, and then when I went back to my usual lazy self and eating a lot of crap I didn't put on any noticable weight. I've looked into it so many times in different areas about how to get myself looking how I really want but I can never keep it up and end up believing it won't actually make any difference. Keep in mind I go to school every day and don't have much time for anything besides study.


via Smart Health Shop Forum

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