Monday, December 1, 2014

Sierra Leone to Search Capital's Homes as Ebola Bodies Hidden - Businessweek

Sierra Leone will send teams throughthe capital to search for bodies of Ebola victims that familymembers are hiding in an effort to reverse a surge in newinfections.

Medical workers will search homes for 14 days in Freetown,Chief Medical Officer Brima Kargbo said in an interview today.He didn’t say when the operation will start. President Ernest Bai Koroma urged local chiefs last month to help in efforts todispose of bodies in a way that limits the spread of Ebola.

Sierra Leone missed a goal today set by the World HealthOrganization 60 days ago that was intended to bring the outbreakunder control. While at least 70 percent of Ebola patients inLiberia and Guinea receive treatment, Sierra Leone falls shortof the target.

All three countries are able to ensure safe burial for 70percent of those who died from the virus, according to theUnited Nations health agency. New infections are rising in thenorth and west of Sierra Leone, including the capital, the WHOsaid last week.

Government guidelines are still being ignored by some inSierra Leone, Kargbo said. Ebola has killed almost 5,700 peoplein West Africa this year. The disease is contracted throughcontact with body fluids of infected people showing symptoms, orwith those who died of the disease. Burial practices in theregion include washing bodies and wrapping it in cloth.

“People are hiding the sick in their homes and continue towash bodies and bury them at night,” Kargbo said. Others “washthe bodies before they inform the burial teams through the 117Ebola hotline to collect the bodies for burial.”

To contact the reporter on this story:Silas Gbandia in Freetown at

To contact the editors responsible for this story:Antony Sguazzin at asguazzin@bloomberg.netPauline Bax, Andres R. Martinez

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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