
Thursday, January 29, 2015

California mother angry over baby's quarantine -

OAKLAND, Calif. --

The outbreak of the measles on the West Coast has reignited the controversy over childhood vaccinations.The disease was pretty much eliminated in the U.S. in 2000.

But now we are seeing more cases and outbreaks and health officials say one reason is because some parents didn't get their kids vaccinated.

Jennifer Simon of Oakland, California says that has put her 6-month-old daughter Livia in danger.

Earlier this month, Livia was at the doctor for a cold at the same time as an unvaccinated child with measles.

Now, Liva - who is too young to be vaccinated - has to be quarantined for almost a month.

"I was upset that someone, who made a choice they thought was a personal choice they could make for their child, had endangered my child," said Storm.

The Simons aren't alone. Nine infants in the Oakland area are being quarantined -meaning kept home - because of the measles outbreak.

So far, Livia hasn't shown any signs of the disease.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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