
Friday, January 30, 2015

McCain slams Kissinger protesters: 'Get out of here you low-life scum' - New York Post

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The niceties of Washington went out the window Thursday when protesters disrupted a hearing with Henry Kissinger — and Sen. John McCain went ballistic.

“Get out of here you low-life scum,” proclaimed the Arizona Republican.

Photo: AP

The demonstrators were at the Senate Armed Services Committee to go after Kissinger.

Photo: AP

“Arrest Henry Kissinger for war crimes!” they screamed, some carrying signs spelling out their hatred of the former secretary of state.McCain quickly called over Capitol police officers to “instill order.”

“You’re going to have to shut up or I’m going to have you arrested,” McCain told the demonstrators after they disrupted his press conference.

When McCain uttered the “scum” line, people in the room clapped.

Another man in the audience tried to shoo the group out of the room, saying, “We don’t want to hear from you anymore.”

No American citizen testifying before Congress should be subjected to such @CodePink intimidation, esp not a 91-year-old former Sec of State

— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) January 29, 2015

Once the protesters were silenced, McCain took a moment to directly apologize to the 91-year-old Kissinger, who was testifying about global challenges to national security.

“From all of my colleagues, I’d like to apologize for allowing such disgraceful behavior towards a man who served his country with the greatest distinction,” McCain said.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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