
Friday, January 30, 2015

Question: Could you give me some ideas for losing weight that don't require any equipment?

Substitute that bag of chips for something popcorn rice cakes....I know they don't sound yummy but they actually are not bad...find something that you like though.

If you substitute some of the junk food or fatty food it will not be like you are taking away but making a healthier choice...Also consider how many soft drinks you consume...start trading them for might be difficult at first but you don't have to eliminate drinking them all together but if you are used to drinking them throughout the day...start eliminating them and trying a better option...water....Gatorade... Walking, running....doesn't require any equipment other than you and a place to do this.

Park further away from places....the extra steps you take will add up during the week...small step but it helps.

Google the body parts that you are attempting to lose weight from....usually there are creditable sites that offer at home exercises for suggested areas of the body.

Clean the house, clean your room, doesn't matter...just move more....even if it is dancing around the house like a will burn calories.

Be creative....when I was a personal trainer and taking exercise science classes we used water jugs as weights, used canned food to show people how to do curls, etc....or even your own body's resistance in exercises.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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