
Friday, January 30, 2015

Question: I'm not sweating when I work out, no matter how hard. is this bad?

I'm not sweating when I work out, no matter how hard. is this bad?

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I set up a bit of a gym in my basement using my dad's old weightset and a mish-mash of other work out equipment my family's acquired over the years. I just got done and I noticed that yet again, I'm not sweating. I work out hard, to the point of near vomiting (partially due to being out of shape, partially due to the fact that I don't stop for 30-40 mins straight). After that point i normally have trouble even climbing the stairs. Once I'm done, I feel extremely exhausted and I'll be sore for up to three days after, returning to work out again every other day. But i dont seem to sweat, at most my forehead and clothes will be a bit damp. I only seem to sweat in extreme heat, while running, or doing manual labor for extended periods of time. My routine normally consists of boxing, Muy Thai, lifting, using two attachments for the overhead pulldown bar, and one or two other things I can't seem to name. Am I not doing enough cardio? Is my routine not strenuous enough? Or is it possible I just don't sweat?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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