
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Question: Im 14 year old 5 4 girl. I weigh 122 pounds Is it healthy to want to lose 12 pounds at my age?

Weight loss is usually more about lifestyle than anything. Consider that your level of physical activity and what kind of food you've been eating over the last 6 months. As long as you're eating good food and doing a decent amount of physical activity you'll reach a happy weight. If you notice in 3 months you're not where you want to be, just make a slight adjustment. Trade out a certain food for something else, or add on a little more physical activity.

They say everyone should walk or jog for at least 30 minutes a day.I'm not sure what you're daily routine is like, but you can use that as a base. Have a good day :)

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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