
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Question: Will running 30-50 mins. a day help me lose weight quickly?

Will running 30-50 mins. a day help me lose weight quickly?

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I started today. I'm thinking of running every day except Sundays and weight lifting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I gained a lot of weight really quickly due to lack of motivation to exercise. I've always exercised so it's not like I'm completely unfit but I did gain about 10 lbs. in like 2-3 months by eating lots of cake and sweets during the evening almost everyday. I'm still struggling with my sweet tooth. I'm 5'1" and I weigh around 133-136 lbs. I want to be around 106-112 so help would be much appreciated, especially with meals. I have no idea what to eat and if I can have some of my sweets from time to time or not. I want to change my lifestyle not just go on a diet so don't recommend one. Thanks.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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