
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Question: Is it water retention?

Okay, so I dont *normally* eat too much salt--whether it's in the food or I add it myself, i tend to shy away from it. Anyway, the last few days I've just been experimenting & adding my own salt to my healthy meals (salads, steel cut oats, lean meats, eggs, etc.). I've also been trying to drink more fluids, however some of that has been coffee (I'm a college student & it's been a busy last two weeks), to help with the increased salt.

But suddenly I seemed to have gained two pounds in a matter of days! I was a little constipated for a day or so, but that passed, & I've been drinking water/tea/coffee (no added sugar, just unsweetened almond milk). AND I've been eating less just because I've been stressed out & I've already gained some extremely unwelcome pounds. -_-

What gives? Can water weight linger for a few days? What do I do to get rid of it?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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