
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Question: Working out, summer body, insanity (10 pts)?

Hello there.

I'm 16 years old girl. I'm 5'8 and I have 147 pounds. Currently I'm doing insanity. This is my second week. I feel great doing it. I love that programme. I feel changes which my quads and biceps. Now I want to lose some weight. My weight is actually normal but I have A little tummy. I want to get rid of it. My goal is flat stomach if it's anyway possible. What do you think is it?

Also my other problem are my inner tights. They are so flabby and they are keeping me from having nice legs. Do you know any bonus exercise that will guaranteed to help me getting rid of those thights?

Also another thing is I have a bit bigger booty(40 inches or 105 cm) and I don't want to make it bigger and I feel like with insanity I'll get big quads and even bigger butt. Is it true or is it just me? It consists alot of plyometric exercises.

And I have problems when it comes to push ups and things like that. I can't do them correctly. I can't dig that deep. What should I do?

So I need some advices, exercises,links whatever you know that could help even your personal experience.

What do you think is 4 months enough for a total transformation if I workout regularly and try to eat healthier?

Thanks a lot.

Best answer gets 10 points ;)

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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