
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Admin or Supermod plz take a look at cycle. beginning in 1 month


Present stats :


24yrs outdated


5′ eight”





To present a small heritage I’ve been within the gymnasium for the reason that i used to be younger my father was once a private trainer. I was out of the gym for a little over 6 months due to a torn mcl, meniscus and rotator cuff. I have been back at it full-time for a little over 9 months now, but besides the injury time off have been pretty consistent over the past 6 years.

Also, as a young dumb high school kid who thought had taught me everything i knew about steroids i did a cycle of Test Prop for 12 weeks and stacked some winny at the end of it, I had some pretty great gains (174lbs 13%bf to 196lbs 9%bf) but i believe i kind messed up my natural test a good bit from that and it took awhile to get back to normal. That was a little over 5 years ago.

So up to the present, I have had my gear for a few months now on hand just been trying to squeeze out my last few goals before i get started, stack up on all my sups and tanning sessions, schedule blood work & all that jazz.

Compounds include :

Equipoise. Test E. Dbol. Nolva. Arimadex. Clomid. HCG.

I have it set up as

weeks 1-4 – Dbol 50mg/ day split morn & evening

weeks1-14 EQ 400mg/ week split tue/thur

weeks 1-14 Test E 500mg/ week split tue/thur

Nolva & arima on hand for possible sides

Then basic pct schedule of clomid and hcg once the half life is done from the gear

I was suggested last week to run my test and eq as

week1 – 100mg

week2- 200mg

week3- 300mg

week 4+- start full dosage

anyone experienced this build up technique?

If i was to go this route i believe i would run 16 weeks on both inj compounds

I am really looking forward to the “joint lubricating” effect i hear a lot about with EQ. I do want to make the most lean gains possible but after my experience years ago, safety is my first concern. I have heard of people running lower doses of test and having results but the general consensus seems to be no less than 500. I want enough test to balance out the EQ but I’m not necessarily hung up on short term gains, this to me is the beginning of a cycle journey that will last for years to come. Im not looking to just get “jacked” I’m essentially partaking in overall human optimization.

Thanks for taking the time to deal with somewhat of a newb i have done a good bit of research to check out to not ask monotonous questions.

No offense to somebody else right here however i might relish if best admin or any individual with 15+ yrs in expertise would reply, too many individuals have opinions and i am having a look to make sure my total well being throughout this cycle. thanks!&#thirteen;

The post Admin or Supermod plz take a look at cycle. beginning in 1 month appeared first on Smart Health Shop Blog.

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