
Monday, March 2, 2015

Question: Am I becoming anorexic?

I took a lot of online quizzes and stuff and they all say I'm at risk of being anorexic but I'm not sure if they're even accurate. I'm obsessed with losing weight. 2 years ago, I was very chubby. My weight loss since then has been quite normal, I've lost about 10 kgs. People say that I look healthy and slim and that if I lose anymore, I won't have any feminine curves. But I don't believe them. I hate the jiggly fat I have on my inner thighs, and the pouch of fat on my stomach and the hanging flabs on my arms. How can I possibly lose my feminine curves if I still have a lot of fat to lose first? I don't starve myself for more than a day, I usually just eat one small meal a day. I like feeling hungry, it makes me feel as if I will lose my fat because my body doesn't have food to burn. I also hate how full I feel when I eat anything that is unnecessary. Like if I ate a huge sandwich instead of just a small plate of chicken. I really absolutely hate it. I start to hate myself and curse myself when I think that I've eaten too much. I check myself on the scale 3-4 times a day. I get really happy when I see I've lost weight and I again curse myself and hate myself when I see that I've gained weight. I hate looking at myself in the mirror to see my size, but I can't help but do it. I don't know what's wrong with me? Is this really anorexia? Because if it is, I won't know what to do. I can't tell my parents. If I did, they wouldn't allow me to go for my overseas scholarship.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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