
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Question: Trouble Breathing?

First I am going to describe the my cousin experiencing this: 11 almost 12, has asthma, lazy. Now whats going on with her is that she described to be that when she runs up the stairs fast she feels like her chest is about to explode and her knees hurt a little, she tried to do a little dancing and after like 30ish seconds she felt tired. Also sometimes she has to take deep breathes because she said she feels like it doesnt feel full enough when she breathes. Again she is pretty lazy since she lays in her bed most of the time and doesnt really exercise much. Can you give me tips to make her feel better, healthy, and also not that lazy. Its winter here so we cant go outside and exercise so she cant have like normal air. She also weights 117 pounds, thin but a little chubby. What should I do Thanks.

Btw She has asmtha so.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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