
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Survivors rescued five days after quake - Sky News Australia

Rescuers have pulled a teenage boy and a woman in her thirties alive from the rubble of Nepal's earthquake, in rare moments of joy five days after a disaster that killed nearly 6000 people.

The rescue of 15-year-old Pemba Tamang was hailed as a miracle and greeted with cheers from crowds of bystanders who watched the drama unfold at a ruined guesthouse in Kathmandu on Thursday.

Just hours later, a team pulled a kitchen worker in her thirties named Krishna Devi Khadka from the rubble of another hotel just streets away to loud cheers from the multinational team of rescuers who had worked into the night to save her.

Pemba was fitted with a neck brace and raced to a field hospital where he was found to have only minor cuts and bruises.

'I never thought I would make it out alive,' the teenager told AFP at the Israeli military-run facility.

Pemba, who worked at the guesthouse as a bellboy, said he had been eating lunch next to reception when the ground started shaking.

'I tried to run but ... something fell on my head and I lost consciousness - I've no idea for how long,' he said.

The recovery of another teenager's body from the same area underlined how the prospects of finding further survivors of Saturday's 7.8-magnitude quake were becoming more remote.

Libby Weiss, a spokeswoman at the Israeli field hospital, said Pemba was doing 'remarkably well', saying it was the longest she'd heard of someone trapped under rubble surviving.

'I don't have any logical explanation. It is miraculous. It is a wonderful thing to see in all this destruction.'

Emergency workers from France, Norway and Israel operating with the Nepal army and using listening devices to find survivors took 10 hours to free Khadka once they had discovered her.

'She was injured but she was conscious and talking,' a Nepal army major said.

Launching an appeal for $US415 million ($A518 million) in aid, the UN has said it will take a marathon effort to help the people of one of Asia's poorest countries.

Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund said it was ready to extend aid to Nepal and would send a team to assess the situation 'as soon as possible'.

Although the number of aftershocks since Saturday's quake has subsided, fresh tremors were felt in Kathmandu overnight.

The latest official toll put the number of dead at 5844 and more than 10,000 are known to have been injured. More than 100 people were also killed in neighbouring countries such as India and China.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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