Thursday, June 11, 2015

Study On Preventing College Rape Shows Us How We Should Run The World - Forbes

There’s a great study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine on a program for teaching college women how to avoid sexual assault. The women who were assigned to take the four-part, small group training sessions were half as likely to experience a completed rape, and a third as likely to experience an attempted rape, compared to those who were simply handed educational brochures.

This was  a fairly big study — there were 451 women in the small-group counseling group and 442 in the control group. Rates of completed rape were 5.2% in the counseling group and 9.8% in the control group, a 46% reduction in risk. Attempted rape occurred at a 3.4% rate in the study group and 9.3% in the control group. The study was conducted at four different Canadian universities, and women were randomly assigned to one group or another, both of which should increase our confidence in the findings.

The study also provides pretty clear guidance on what to do to create programs like this. The sessions consisted of four there-hour sessions involving games, mini-lectures, discussions, and practices. The first session focused on helping women realize when a male acquaintance might pose a risk, and in developing strategies to prevent those males from causing problems. The second gave the women techniques to more quickly realize when  situation was turning dangerous, and to overcome their own emotional barriers to resistance. The third focused on common situations and defense, and the fourth aimed to help the women integrate these lessons into their lives and to learn both slang and scientific terms to give them vocabulary for discussing sexual behavior. A detailed manual for training facilitators is provided with the study.

Obviously the villains here are the rapists, and it would be better if solutions didn’t put the onus for prevention only on the victims. But we live in an unfair world, and any strategy that prevents women from being assaulted is worth pursuing.

I wanted to make a bigger point about this study, though. This is how we should approach solving social problems: With randomized controlled studies. This is when people are randomly assigned to get one thing or another, so we can compare the two things. Do people smile at you more if you wear red or wear blue? We could test that!

Too often we think of randomized controlled trials as things that are done by drug or device companies. The reality is that we do too few of them. Want to know if that new method of teaching math to kids? We can find ways to test that, even if it doesn’t work. Want to know if those new barefoot running shoes are better than your old Nikes? Testable. Is breastfeeding really better? Yes, says a randomized trial, but not as much as you probably think. Does government health insurance in the form of Medicaid prevent people from going to the emergency room? No, they go to the emergency room more, says a randomized controlled trial.

Even in this age of big data, randomly assigning some people to get one thing and others to get another is the best way we know of figuring out which things are best. It destroys our biases and removes the ability to lie to ourselves. Yet, too often, we leave the randomized trials to industry and don’t do them for other parts of the world. When we roll out a new program (ObamaCare’s a good example) we should be finding a way to randomly give it to some people, not others, so that we can tell if it actually works as intended. Worried about sex education? Don’t get into a political argument, test your strategies. Worried about gun control? Figure out what matters, and see if strategies of, say, tracking gun ownership or handing out safety locks actually reduce the risk of gun deaths. Are GMOs inherently bad? Monsanto is developing a new GMO oil that could be better for the heart. It could test it as it would a drug, in a  very large study, to see if it prevents heart attacks and strokes. Even if it failed, we’d get lots of safety data to show whether there would be any risks.

Instead, we don’t use this tool enough outside of medicine. Worse, outside the scientific and medical journals, we don’t have great system for funding these trials and vetting their results. We need better. I do think there are reasons for hope. Apple’s ResearchKit is very much a way of recruiting large numbers of subjects into studies using iPhones, and it will probably be possible to use them to conduct randomized studies at a large scale. Other computerized technologies could be put to similar use. But in order for it to happen, we have to want it to happen. We have to demand randomized data of our politicians, not just our scientists. If we did, it would pay off with a better world.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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