Saturday, June 28, 2014

Question: No appetite for 3 days???HELP?

im 13 im a boy. on wednesday i went to kings island (an amusement park) and rode all the rides. i ate sort of decently there... i didnt have much and just snacked and drank some pop. i had one meal that was large-ish... im emetophobic and this is mainly why im freaking out. idk what happened i just dont have an appetite for 3 days. yesterday it got better, i ate some eggs and 4 pieces of bread... i felt sick after... i'm constipated too btw. i have high anxiety and im on zoloft 25mlg but idk if that can be it since ive been taking it for like 2 months now.... yesterday my nose was kind of dry... today, my eyes are watery-ish and i keep getting that feeling that i need to sneeze.. im really dizzy and shakey right now bc i havent eaten anything. i can drink fine.. i just had a can of pop... what do i do???? im really scared im gonna be sick.. yesterday i took my temp and was fine. i just wanna be okay!!!!!!!! its been 3 days!!!

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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