Saturday, June 28, 2014

Question: Struggling to lose 15 pounds before entering Air Force.?

Stop consuming the food and beverage choices that put the weight on. A bad diet trumps exercise. Sugar is the dietary villain. Wheat is a close second. So, minimize or avoid food or beverage products that list either as one of the first five ingredients. Avoid sugary options, and minimize starchy foods like breads, pastas, cereals, rice or potatoes. Beer should be considered liquid bread - a no no. Opt for fresh foods rather than processed foods which are engineered to get you to eat more, and more, and more.

I like a LCHF diet like the one advocated here:, because you are not starving or depriving yourself to lose the weight. I eat the right foods in the correct portions and do not get hungry between meals. This site helped me develop a lifetime dietary strategy after decades or frustration on low-fat grains based diets.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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