Thursday, February 26, 2015

Question: I'm short and over weight. What should I do?

I'm going to be 17 soon. I'm currently 5ft 7" tall and I weigh 90kg. My Dad is 5ft 11" and my mom is 5ft 5". I want to be 6ft tall, is it feasible? I'm a tech guy, I don't really go out. Plus the load from assignments is making me run out of free time. I can't help but sleep only few hours (5-6). I want to be fit. I tried searching about this but sadly I've got two distinctive choices. In order to get tall I must increase my intake of food (albeit decently). This will lead to increase of my weight even further. So what should I do? I want to lose fat and get taller. Please be helpful.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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