
Monday, July 30, 2012

"How much water do you drink?" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "How much water do you drink?" by Jessi, there have been 5 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was Brittany13.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: adamnawroc
On: 07-23-2012 12:24 PM

I'm guessing I drink 8 glasses a day. I have a routine of drinking two glasses every morning to start the day out right. Then it's just when I happen to be thirsty.

I should take a week and keep track of how much I consume because I've become lenient in this area.
Posted by: derek
On: 07-23-2012 01:06 PM

---Quote (Originally by adamnawroc)---
I'm guessing I drink 8 glasses a day. I have a routine of drinking two glasses every morning to start the day out right. Then it's just when I happen to be thirsty.

I should take a week and keep track of how much I consume because I've become lenient in this area.
---End Quote---

Just log it. Logging what you eat and drink each day is a vital habit to get into anyway...and one of the most overlooked. If you log your intake and also your hydration, you can accomplish any goal you like.
Posted by: Brittany13
On: 07-23-2012 11:54 PM

My father told me he's drinking up to 16 glasses of water a day. This is the reason why he never gain any more weight he said after I told him my stepmom (his 2nd wife) is worried he never get his old physique back. My father is 63 and I think at that age people need not gain more weight especially on the waist line because it'll be bad for their health. However, I worry because isn't 16 glasses a day too much? That's twice the regular 8 glasses a day on a good weather.
Posted by: healthyone
On: 07-24-2012 12:02 AM

Someone once told me that you could lose a pound of fat if you drank a gallon of water per/day. I've also heard from some holistic doctors that if you wanted to lose weight then you need to drink half of your weight in water. For instance, if you weigh 400lbs then you need to drink 200oz of water per/day. That's a whole lot of water. I find that 64oz per/day works for me.
Posted by: Brittany13
On: 07-24-2012 12:15 AM

I guess as long as we give the body the required nutrients it needs, we can also gobble up as much water because it we're just reliant on water for better health, it could lead to water intoxication. And it should also be clear that few liters of water should be distributed in a day's water binge and not enclosed in a few hours.

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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