
Monday, July 30, 2012

"Is walking a good enough exercise to drop some extra pounds?" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Is walking a good enough exercise to drop some extra pounds?" by songbird, there have been 14 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was Cthulhu.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: adamnawroc
On: 07-25-2012 10:26 AM

I've lost weight just by walking. I think it's harder in general for women to lose weight though. Still, I tend to think diet is more important than exercise in terms of losing weight.
Posted by: SoulJam
On: 07-25-2012 12:57 PM

Clentch your butt and legs as hard as you can while you walk so it looks like your walking over shards of glass, gasping for air and taking a dump at the same time. This will get your major muscles to burn more fat from around your body. If you swing your butt out from side to side as far as you can while you power walk, that will create more tension in the muscle. Keep your head up slightly and pout at the sky, your lips might help to burn a calorie or two through tensing them, every muscle helps.
Posted by: Cthulhu
On: 07-25-2012 07:04 PM

---Quote (Originally by shaun)---
You can increase the intensity of your walking by using ankle and wrist weights for added resistance, or you can carry a rusksack filled with weight. You could also adopt a power walking style to burn more calories. You can burn 300 or more calories in an hour of power walking.
---End Quote---

Or you could just quit being lazy and run............
Posted by: leyash
On: 07-25-2012 08:14 PM

Walking is way too boring for me. I really can't imagine being forced to walk instead of running. I think it'd be amazing to run everywhere, or even to be able to travel from street to street on a bike.
Posted by: derek
On: 07-25-2012 10:38 PM

---Quote (Originally by SoulJam)---
Clentch your butt and legs as hard as you can while you walk so it looks like your walking over shards of glass, gasping for air and taking a dump at the same time. This will get your major muscles to burn more fat from around your body. If you swing your butt out from side to side as far as you can while you power walk, that will create more tension in the muscle. Keep your head up slightly and pout at the sky, your lips might help to burn a calorie or two through tensing them, every muscle helps.
---End Quote---

Running may be a little simpler than tensing every single muscle in your body in similarity to taking a dump while walking...

Really? We are willing to do all of these complicated things to just avoid running?

Running is a little more simple than taking a leisurely activity such as walking and complicating the hell out of it to make it sound effective when in reality it isn't effective at all. Sorry guys; truth sucks...
Posted by: SoulJam
On: 07-27-2012 12:54 PM

---Quote (Originally by derek)---
Running may be a little simpler than tensing every single muscle in your body in similarity to taking a dump while walking...

Really? We are willing to do all of these complicated things to just avoid running?

Running is a little more simple than taking a leisurely activity such as walking and complicating the hell out of it to make it sound effective when in reality it isn't effective at all. Sorry guys; truth sucks...
---End Quote---
Didn't my sarcism show through in my post? I need more practice. XD

The only way walking is going to build muscle and burn a lot of calories is if you have a big ass weight attached to you. Attaching a car tyre on a rope, tied around your waist while trying to sprint on sand (a beach) is a really good way to burn calories. So is filling a backpack with sand and hauling that lump up a big hill. You'll feel as light as a feather when you ditch it and run without it.
Posted by: Cthulhu
On: 07-27-2012 03:23 PM

---Quote (Originally by SoulJam)---
Didn't my sarcism show through in my post? I need more practice. XD

The only way walking is going to build muscle and burn a lot of calories is if you have a big ass weight attached to you. Attaching a car tyre on a rope, tied around your waist while trying to sprint on sand (a beach) is a really good way to burn calories. So is filling a backpack with sand and hauling that lump up a big hill. You'll feel as light as a feather when you ditch it and run without it.
---End Quote---

I laughed so hard when reading your post I almost choked to death on my Diet Pepsi, LoL. I think the sarcasm wasn't clear since you haven't been around long and we don't know you well enough'd be amazed at some of the ridiculous advice that is given here on occasion, so nothing would surprise us..............even walking as if you're taking a dump with duck lips, LoL..........
Posted by: derek
On: 07-27-2012 05:10 PM

---Quote (Originally by SoulJam)---
Didn't my sarcism show through in my post? I need more practice. XD

The only way walking is going to build muscle and burn a lot of calories is if you have a big ass weight attached to you. Attaching a car tyre on a rope, tied around your waist while trying to sprint on sand (a beach) is a really good way to burn calories. So is filling a backpack with sand and hauling that lump up a big hill. You'll feel as light as a feather when you ditch it and run without it.
---End Quote---

I honestly thought you were being serious. My humblest apologies.
Posted by: sandooch
On: 07-27-2012 08:44 PM

Songbird, whether you walk 10 miles or run them, you will burn the same number of calories either way during the exercise. The only difference is that running will get you there quicker. You may burn a few more in the afterburn if you chose to run though.

I personally do not like to walk for exercise because I find it boring, but I've known several people who've lost weight, some quite a bit of weight, by walking alone. So, yes, you most certainly can lose weight by walking. But if you are looking to build some muscle, walking is not going to do a whole lot in that department. You will tone up a little bit in the calves, thighs and hips, but I wouldn't think enough to gain enough muscle, which in turn helps speed up your metabolism. So maybe add in some weight work at the end of your walks.
Posted by: sandooch
On: 07-27-2012 08:54 PM

---Quote (Originally by Cthulhu)---
Or you could just quit being lazy and run............
---End Quote---
lol...but some people can't or just don't like running, Cthulhu. It's not a matter of being lazy.

This may be a little TMI, but it proves a point. After I had my first daughter, I started to have urinary incontinence problems, which only got worse after having my second daughter (darn kids!). For 20 years I could not run, jump, laugh too hard or cough without peeing. I've had surgery a couple years ago to correct it and life is good now. But, I also just plain hate to run or jump...period. Maybe it's hard for a guy to understand, but when you are big busted, it hurts to jump and run (and I hate the restriction of a super tight workout bra to somewhat stop the, they really don't work for me). I find it hard on my knees and recently injured my left knee while doing plyometrics. My mother was a serious runner for over 20 years and is now having chronic pain in her hip and knees, which her doctors have told her was caused from all her running. I don't want the same fate for me.
Posted by: SoulJam
On: 07-29-2012 01:40 AM

---Quote (Originally by derek)---
I honestly thought you were being serious. My humblest apologies.
---End Quote---
That's fine. My friends say the same thing to me..."Are you being serious" and I'll say "no" then they say "Well, I don't know with you" LOL!! My best friend doesn't even know when I'm being serious or sarcastic and he's known me for 20+ years.

I think it's because we've always been like that with each other. Trying to feed one another bullshizzle while maintaining a straight face.
The best one I fed him was pretty recent. We were discussing the new underpants bombers and how they will be able to smuggle bombs onto a plane by hiding them in their asses. Anyway, we had a laugh about if they had to do practice runs back home with the drill instructor shouting at them because they couldn't walk properly with a bomb in their ass.

A few days later my friend(who was soon going on holiday)came around and I told him there's a new law being passed that everyone going on holiday now had to spread their cheeks in the airport before being allowed on the plane. He actually believed me and was horrified he was going to have to bend over and show his asshole before he was allowed to travel. I couldn't hold my laughter all night but I had him going for a bit.
Posted by: ThisOldMan
On: 07-29-2012 03:05 AM

---Quote (Originally by SoulJam)---
That's fine. My friends say the same thing to me..."Are you being serious" and I'll say "no" then they say "Well, I don't know with you" LOL!! My best friend doesn't even know when I'm being serious or sarcastic and he's known me for 20+ years.

I think it's because we've always been like that with each other. Trying to feed one another bullshizzle while maintaining a straight face.
The best one I fed him was pretty recent. We were discussing the new underpants bombers and how they will be able to smuggle bombs onto a plane by hiding them in their asses. Anyway, we had a laugh about if they had to do practice runs back home with the drill instructor shouting at them because they couldn't walk properly with a bomb in their ass.

A few days later my friend(who was soon going on holiday)came around and I told him there's a new law being passed that everyone going on holiday now had to spread their cheeks in the airport before being allowed on the plane. He actually believed me and was horrified he was going to have to bend over and show his asshole before he was allowed to travel. I couldn't hold my laughter all night but I had him going for a bit.
---End Quote---

It's not really a joke anymore. It's actually happening. Would-be passengers had been subjected to worse than just spreading their nether cheeks. They had been groped and probed, all in the name of security.
Posted by: Cthulhu
On: 07-29-2012 07:43 AM

---Quote (Originally by sandooch)---
lol...but some people can't or just don't like running, Cthulhu. It's not a matter of being lazy.
---End Quote---

Oh yes it is..........for 90%+ of people it is just being lazy. Unless you're elderly or have serious physical disabilities you should be running.

This may be a little TMI, but it proves a point. After I had my first daughter, I started to have urinary incontinence problems, which only got worse after having my second daughter (darn kids!). For 20 years I could not run, jump, laugh too hard or cough without peeing. I've had surgery a couple years ago to correct it and life is good now.
---End Quote---
20 YEARS? Why not have it taken care of sooner? Yikes.........

But, I also just plain hate to run or jump...period. Maybe it's hard for a guy to understand, but when you are big busted, it hurts to jump and run (and I hate the restriction of a super tight workout bra to somewhat stop the, they really don't work for me). I find it hard on my knees and recently injured my left knee while doing plyometrics.
---End Quote---
It isn't hard to understand - I'm not fond of running either. If you don't like the impact, simply run on an elliptical.........or bike on terrain. My fiance is big busted as well and likes to use an elliptical. A GOOD sports bra works well also. You have to get good ones though - the cheap ones are uncomfortable from what I hear. They don't have to be "super-tight", just a good model that fits you. Like anything else, you get what you pay for.......and being busty isn't an excuse not to take care of your body properly - no offense.......

My mother was a serious runner for over 20 years and is now having chronic pain in her hip and knees, which her doctors have told her was caused from all her running. I don't want the same fate for me.
---End Quote---
Those doctors are misinformed. Running does not cause joint deterioration that would not have happened anyway due to genetics. In fact, recent long-term studies of elderly people that have been running their whole lives show the opposite. Less joint pain, higher bone density, etc than people who walk. It actually keeps them MORE mobile in old age and reduces the chance of osteoporosis in women. The myth that running will destroy your joints is just that - a myth.

If you have the same fate, it will be due to genetics, not running. Running may actually prevent such a fate.

Not to mention the cardiovascular benefits of running. As I said, I'm not fond of running either...........but I'm even less fond of developing heart disease or having a stroke. Anything worthwhile usually isn't all that pleasant..........
Posted by: Cthulhu
On: 07-29-2012 07:47 AM

---Quote (Originally by sandooch)---
Songbird, whether you walk 10 miles or run them, you will burn the same number of calories either way during the exercise. The only difference is that running will get you there quicker. You may burn a few more in the afterburn if you chose to run though.

I personally do not like to walk for exercise because I find it boring, but I've known several people who've lost weight, some quite a bit of weight, by walking alone. So, yes, you most certainly can lose weight by walking. But if you are looking to build some muscle, walking is not going to do a whole lot in that department. You will tone up a little bit in the calves, thighs and hips, but I wouldn't think enough to gain enough muscle, which in turn helps speed up your metabolism. So maybe add in some weight work at the end of your walks.
---End Quote---

No, it doesn't. Running burns far more calories during AND after. I's science.

And people don't lose weight by walking. They lose weight by fixing their diet. Walking will help burn a few extra calories, but not many. It also doesn't do anything to improve cardiovascular health, which should be half the incentive to exercise anyway........

If you're obese or horrendously out of shape - by all means, start by walking. But you should progress to running within a few weeks at most. Not doing so IS being lazy.

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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