
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"My Home Workout Routine" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "My Home Workout Routine" by siriusboi, there have been 2 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was derek.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: siriusboi
On: 07-24-2012 08:23 AM

---Quote (Originally by Cthulhu)---
What are you using for weights? What equipment (dumbbells, barbell, etc) do you have available to you? And what on Earth is an ab pillow?

I can tell you right now you're doing too much ab work. 2 days a week should be more than sufficient for abs. Hit them hard, however, with leg raises, then crunches, then left & right oblique crunches. That should work MUCH better for you. 4 sets of each, 15-20 reps.

Are you counting push-ups as a bicep and shoulder routine? It isn't. They don't work the biceps at all, and only get the front delts (shoulders) - and not very well at that. You need to at least get a couple dumbbells to get any kind of a proper weight routine going. They're dirt cheap..........

Unless I'm mistaken and you have some dumbbells you're using, you're neglecting biceps, shoulders, legs, and back completely and only working chest with a tiny bit of triceps.

Let us know exactly what you're doing and what you have available and we can help further........
---End Quote---

Could you recommend a home workout routine that would work my whole body? I really would appreciate it.
Posted by: derek
On: 07-24-2012 10:34 AM

---Quote (Originally by siriusboi)---
Could you recommend a home workout routine that would work my whole body? I really would appreciate it.
---End Quote---

I am PMing Cthulhu right now to take a look at your post, siriusboi.

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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