
Monday, September 17, 2012

"Indoor Or Outdoor Exercise?" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Indoor Or Outdoor Exercise?" by Questingforhealth, there have been 7 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was zilyas.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: dsb3447
On: 09-12-2012 12:18 PM

I would think you'd get tired faster in the heat, and it would take more energy to keep going. The cold temperature and heat you generate exercising might just cancel one another out. When I exercise outside it is 15 minutes tops. I am getting back in my apartment as soon as possible. I am looking for any excuse to go back inside whether it be too cold, suspicious strangers or cars almost hitting me. When I exercise at home, I can go for much longer. So, temperature aside, I burn more inside.
Posted by: angela
On: 09-12-2012 02:01 PM

I think the amount of exercise you're getting is more important than how much you're sweating. Some people are unable to sweat or have difficulty sweating, such as myself. I think that being inside in an air conditioned building will allow you to exercise for a longer amount of time than being outside where it's hot and humid or freezing cold. Being inside will give your cardio routine longevity, and I believe that's what's most important.
Posted by: MelissaSt
On: 09-12-2012 03:57 PM

I do not know where you burn the most calories, but I would prefer to be outdoors anytime. I get all claustrophobic inside. Outside makes me feel less stressed, and relaxed which helps when I'm jogging. It becomes a whole diffrent experience when I'm jogging outsideas opose to inside where I feel like it is more work.
Posted by: Hedonologist
On: 09-13-2012 06:23 AM

I do most of mine outdoors. That leaves me stuck in the winter though. I still do weightlifting and some other exercises, but cardio i reserved largely for summer. I really need to change that though so I stop yoyoing
Posted by: shaun
On: 09-13-2012 07:16 AM

---Quote (Originally by Hedonologist)---
I do most of mine outdoors. That leaves me stuck in the winter though. I still do weightlifting and some other exercises, but cardio i reserved largely for summer. I really need to change that though so I stop yoyoing
---End Quote---
Don't let the weather stop you, just wear a few extra layers of clothing. A few years ago I did lunges in the snow on Christmas day wearing studded boots. Shoveling snow is a great workout during winter as well.
Re: Indoor Or Outdoor Exercise?
Posted by: derek
On: 09-13-2012 02:48 PM

---Quote (Originally by shaun)---
Don't let the weather stop you, just wear a few extra layers of clothing. A few years ago I did lunges in the snow on Christmas day wearing studded boots. Shoveling snow is a great workout during winter as well.
---End Quote---

There is no such thing as bad weather...only bad clothes. :)
Posted by: zilyas
On: 09-13-2012 05:40 PM

I prefer exercising outdoors because I can change the scenery just by going to another location. It offers more variety in that sense than just locking myself in the same room or gym day after day. Remember that your body can become used to external stimuli, like visuals and music, which decreases the efficiency of your workouts. Basically, your body stops being challenged after being exposed to the same conditions all the time. Exercising outdoors helps prevent this, when you exercise in a variety of settings.

All the best,
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