
Monday, September 24, 2012

"Television During Cardio?" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Television During Cardio?" by Tbkwriters, there have been 6 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was Krissytin.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: DwaHow
On: 09-19-2012 03:16 PM

Working out in front of a t.v can be dangerous because you're not paying full attention to your movements.Unless you're just on the treadmill walking you should'nt split your focus on more than one thing.
Posted by: KennyPowers
On: 09-19-2012 07:41 PM

I prefer the TV. I think it is easier to forget about the time and just work out. I usually also turn it into a game, like I run at one speed during the program and then go into a hard sprint during commercials.

I do it with video games too. If I give up a touchdown then I have to do 10 burpees but if I score then I do 10 jumping jacks, etc.
Posted by: misumaru15
On: 09-19-2012 08:30 PM

I sometimes workout during a program. You don't really realize how long an hour is this way. This is one of the ways you can make yourself get the time in. It beats staring at white walls.
Posted by: mixedchalk
On: 09-20-2012 08:06 AM

I usually just use music to hep me try and focus on something other than working out, but I can see how watching tv could make it go even faster. I've watched music videos on my ipod a couple of times during cardio and it made the time go just that little bit faster than usual.
Posted by: claudine
On: 09-21-2012 04:09 PM

I don't like watching TV while I'm working out because I prefer to focus on my body, I don't like being distracted. Well, I like talking to my friends while doing exercises but it's a different thing because we mostly talk about our workout, so it's helpful:p.
Posted by: Krissytin
On: 09-21-2012 06:05 PM

I like having the televison on while I work out. It distracts me from the pain and the feeling of wanting to quit. Ill do a few reps of sit-ups during a program until a the commercials start playing, then I take a break.

All the best,
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