
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Water Softener/Purifier

Would love to hear a discussion about the pros and cons of purified water (for the entire house, not just drinking water) or softened water.

I grew up with a water softener, but we lived on well water that had a high iron content (and smelled of sulphur). We had extra filters on the kitchen and bathroom sinks for our drinking water, but it still never tasted good to me.

Now, in my own home, we have a fridge filter, but nothing for the whole house. A Rain Soft salesman was here last night, did the whole water test at the kitchen sink, and showed us how yucky our water is. I'm not about to drop $4,000 on a water purifying system, but I'm curious if any of you have one (for the whole house), do you really think it is necessary?

My main thing has to do with cleaning. Will such a product (not necessarily this brand) help my clothes, dishes, and fixtures, and appliances stay cleaner?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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